Cremation Services

What is cremation & FAQ's

Cremation is an alternative to the burial process and it is chosen by many people because of religious beliefs, the desire to preserve the environment or it was requested by the person who died. Cremation is also a less expensive option in comparison to a burial. The remains are placed in a container that is combustible and placed in a special furnace called a cremation chamber or a crematory where through intense heat is reduced to bone fragments that are then crushed and pulverized to resemble course sand. The cremated remains of an average adult body will weigh about 7-8 pounds. Cremation is not an alternative to a funeral, but rather an alternative to burial or other forms of disposition.

What can I do with the ashes?

1. Scattering or Burial: Traditional methods of scattering ashes in a meaningful location, such as a favorite outdoor spot or body of water, remain popular. Additionally, some families choose to bury cremated remains in a cemetery plot or a designated area on private property.

2. Kept in Decorative Urns: Cremated remains are often placed in decorative urns and kept in the home or displayed in a memorial garden. These urns can be customized to reflect the personality or interests of the deceased.

3. Helium Balloon Release: Cremated remains can be released into the sky by attaching them to helium balloons. This symbolic gesture can provide a sense of freedom and connection to the heavens.

4. Glass Art: Ashes can be fused into glass to create unique art pieces such as sculptures, paperweights, or jewelry. This process involves melting the ashes into molten glass, resulting in beautiful and personalized keepsakes.

5. Diamonds from Ashes: Companiesexist that offer services to extract carbon from cremated remains and grow them into lab-created diamonds. These diamonds serve as everlasting symbols of remembrance and love.

6. Planting Memorial Trees: Cremated remains can be mixed with soil and used to nourish a memorial tree or plant. This living tribute serves as a lasting reminder of the individual's life and legacy.

Who is cremation good for?

1. People with no strong religious objections: As you mentioned, certain religions either mandate or forbid cremation. For individuals who do not adhere to a religion that prohibits cremation, it may be a viable option.

2. Environmental considerations: Cremation is often seen as a more environmentally friendly option compared to traditional burial, as it doesn't require the use of land for cemeteries and doesn't involve the embalming process, which can introduce chemicals into the environment.

3. Financial considerations: Cremation can sometimes be a more affordable option compared to traditional burial, as it eliminates the need for certain expenses associated with burial plots, caskets, and headstones.

4. Mobility and flexibility: For families who may move frequently or have members spread across different locations, cremation provides the flexibility to transport or scatter ashes as desired, allowing loved ones to remain close regardless of geographical distance.

5. Personal preferences: Some individuals simply prefer the idea of cremation for personal reasons, such as a desire for simplicity or a wish to avoid the physical decomposition associated with burial.

6. Cultural acceptance: In regions or communities where cremation is widely accepted or even the norm, individuals may choose cremation simply because it aligns with local customs and practices.
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